Jun Xiao is a young and rising jazz guitarist and composer from Dali, in China's Yunnan province. He holds a bachelor’s degree from the Shanghai Conservatory and a master’s degree in jazz performance from SUNY Purchase Conservatory of Music. Jun Xiao's innovative talents have caught the attention of the Nanjing University of the Arts where he presently teaches. In 2016, his quintet was selected as one of six finalists for the Next Generation Jazz Festival, an esteemed music event organized in conjunction with the Monterey Jazz Festival. He was also feat with many top musicians all around the world: Doug Weiss, Rick Rosato, Gray Smulyan, Desmond White, Jerad Lippi, Lawrence Ku, Li Xiaochuan, Shao Yibei, Gofunk Pan and Metro Radio. His own projects“Triangular Prism” has received 29th Golden Melody Award nomination and Won the 2nd CMA in 2018.
* JZ Music 签约代理艺术家、达达里奥签约艺术家
* 2016 Montery Jazz Festival 全美青年乐队Top6乐队领班
* 原创曲目《When I Practice With A Bee》入选
传奇吉他大师John Abercrombie主题纪录片
肖骏,中国新生代爵士吉他演奏家、作曲家、编曲家,同时他也是JZ Music 签约代理艺术家,达达里奥签约艺术家。肖骏于2014年完成上海音乐学院本科爵士吉他专业后,前往美国纽约Suny-Purchase College进修爵士吉他演奏与作曲,两年后毕业一直旅居到现在,并活跃于纽约爵士舞台上。 在纽约学习生活的这几年,肖骏在音乐上不断发现和超越自我,期间跟随John Abercrombie、Lage Lund、Vic Juris、Brad Shepik、John Rilley、Charles Blenzing、Jon Faddis、Kevin Hays、Andy LaVerne、Doug Weiss、Albright Timothy等大师学习爵士演奏与爵士作曲,同时与Doug Weiss、Rick Rosato、Desmond White、Jerad Lippi、Gray Smulyan等一线音乐家保持着密切合作。肖骏曾是2016 Montery Jazz Festival 全美青年乐队Top6乐队领班,现在他任教于南京艺术学院。
回国后,肖骏曾与知名爵士吉他演奏家顾忠山、爵士小号演奏家李晓川、民谣唱作歌手邵夷贝、火星电台、潘高峰等合作演出。包容的音乐氛围,超前的音乐理念,多元的音乐文化,使肖骏摸索出独特的音乐风格。由JZ Music出品、索尼音乐发行的肖骏首张原创爵士专辑《三棱镜》(Triangular Prism)于2018年5月入围第二十九届台湾金曲奖最佳演奏录音专辑奖,又于2018年6月赢得了第二届唱工委音乐奖最佳爵士演奏专辑。